Link Exchange

Increase page rank and traffic to the blog can be done in different ways, namely, to submit Social Bookmarking do follow, comments to blogs that do follow the platform, search engine submit, submit to directories and exchange links.

Link exchange is a culture that is not separated from the blog world. Yes, link exchange is a link that ran the owner made a blog with other blogs. The exchange is essentially a blog or website address.

The purpose is to exchange the link to get a good ranking in search engines, and also the page rank is growing. Hope the owner visits the blog is growing. Then, if by doing link exchanges, visits to be increased? For a short period of time certainly has not been significant, but there have been increasing. Increase page rank is also not due to page rank update is done 3 months. Visits to be increased because the owner of each blog each visit

So ... if you want to try it, please, I already feel, is good, because the search engine optimization does not only rely on a way only. You can add this as a way one of the tools to increase the strength of your website's ranking.
Some of the reasons why a blogger happy to exchange links:
  1. Link exchange is a way used by the blogger to introduce blogs.
  2. Not only introduce blogs, link exchange also allows the blogger build business relationships.
  3. The reason: Not only to promote blogs, blogger among each other when the reading is in my blog, do not close the possibility that there will be a relationship more closely.
  4. Link exchange allows you blog more and more in the index by search engines.
  5. The reason: The number of name your blog, the more you are recognized by search engines. Believe!
  6. Link exchange allows you to increase page rank.

For that I invite friends to exchange links.
How to give comments:
An example for this blog:
Name of link: Free Download
Place a link to your blog, if I also installed the install friends blog link to this blog.

With more and more link exchange index that we will get a big effect on the search results on search engines.
Read more - Link Exchange

How to install widgets feedburner to subscribe an article

Maybe you have heard feedburner. Yes, feedburner is a service provider of subscription article. Feedburner at this time have become the property of google, so of course free. By using the Feedburner service, if we subscribe to an article on a website or blog by entering your email so if there is a new article then the new feedburner will send an email to us. We can monitor and follow the latest news or information that is presented with the help of feedburner. By using feedburner we can analyze how many people who are interested in articles that we make. What information we create useful and needed by the visitor? If this is the benefit of their subscription through Feedburner by typing their email.

Then, the benefits of what we get with if we are registered in feedburner?

  • We can analyze how many people who really need our information via feedburner.
  • We can make the words that will be posted. If you subscribe then posting a little less mean we liked, I did not say ugly. But keep in mind also, that not only the quality of course, also determine the quantity of the theme varies.

How do I get service Feedburner?

  • You must have an account in google because Feedburner is owned by google, so we need to have email in google, if you can not create an account in google visit this link
  • Open
  • Enter the email from google and then click podcaster, and the next
  • Then will appear the identity of our site feed. Choose one and click next. Looks as follows (this example for my blog)
  • Then there will be a display url for the blog as we list below, then click next
  • Then there is the view we blog url (if necessary save the url for us to enter the feed url in the settings tab), then click next
  • Click next again (no optional)
  • Select Clickthroughts then next
  • Then the display appears as follows:
  • Then click Publice
  • Click Email Subcriptions
  • Click Active
  • Then show html code, copy the code.
  • Click save
  • Log in to your account blogger, and then to the layout.
  • Create a page element, and then paste the code from Feedburner
  • Log in to the settings, click the site and then paste the feed url from Feedburner for example like this
  • Save and see the results.
    Thus, at a glance "how to install widgets Feedburner subscription article." With install widgets from Feedburner will increase the popularity and the quality of our posting.
Read more - How to install widgets feedburner to subscribe an article

Download AVG PC Tune UP 2011

avg tune up 2011 anti virusMungkin kita sudah terbiasa dengan berbagai macam anti virus yang kita pakai seperti avg, norton, avast, avira, nod 32, comodo, pcmav, bitfender, eset dan berbagai macam anti virus baik lokal maupun manca negara yang sudah pernah kita install atau bahkan baru rencana untuk kita pakai sebagai perlindungan terhadap komputer. Dari sekian puluh anti virus tersebut, avg merupakan salah satu anti virus yang cukup bisa diandalkan.

Tapi apakah kalian pernah dengar bahwa avg baru saja meluncurkan software terbarunya yaitu AVG PC Tune Up 2011. Kedengarannya seperti pc tune up buatan norton. Ya memang, fungsinya hampir sama dengan pc tune up bikinan norton.

Untuk kali ini kita akan mengetahui apa saja sih keunggulan dari sofware AVG pc tune up 2011 produksi grisoft ini. Berikut ini fungsi dari AVG pc tune up 2011 :

Memperbaiki registry yang mengalami masalah
Software ini akan memperbaiki registry yang bermasalah sehingga memakan banyak memory, loading menjadi lambat dan menurunkan stabilitas komputer.

Memaksimalkan koneksi internet
Akan memaksimalkan koneksi internet sehingga koneksi internet lebih stabil, mengoptimalkan pengaturan termasuk MTU dan RWIN.

Mengembalikan file yang terhapus
AVG PC Tune up 2011 dilengkapi dengan alat yang dapat mengembalikan berkas sehingga dapat memulihkan file yang telah rusak atau tidak sengaja dihapus.

Secara permanen menghapus file
File shredder akan menghapus secara permanen file sehingga data pribadi tidak dapat dipulihkan.

Melindungi privasi Anda
Banyak informasi tentang aktivitas tercatat pada PC Anda. Software ini akan membantu melindungi privasi Anda dengan menghapus informasi pribadi di komputer.
Ketika Anda surfing internet, membuka dokumen atau menjalankan program, aktivitas Anda dicatat. Software ini akan menyembunyikan jejak and sehingga tidak ada yang dapat melihat situs web yang sudah Anda kunjungi atau yang dokumen Anda baru saja dibuka.

Meningkatkan kecepatan hardisk
Software ini biasa defragmentasi sehingga bisa mengoptimalkan sistem file untuk mendapatkan hasil maksimal dari hard disk Anda. Disk defragmenter mereorganisir file pada disk sehingga dapat membaca dan menulis lebih cepat. Hal ini meningkatkan waktu respons aplikasi, sistem boot dan keseluruhan kinerja komputer.

Disk Doctor
Dengan software ini akan mudah menyimpan data secara terorganisir dan aman.
Disk dokter memeriksa hard drive untuk masalah terkait dengan sektor rusak, kehilangan cluster dan galat direktori. Dengan menggunakan disk explorer Anda dapat dengan mudah dan cepat membebaskan ruang tambahan pada disk Anda.

AVG Tune Up 2011 memang merupakan software baru keluaran grisoft. Dengan software ini akan meningkatkan kinerja komputer kita. Bagi yang ingin mencoba ketangguhan software ini silahkan :
Download : AVG Tune Up 2011.
Dengan lisensi : 00002G-3Z9G15-31KFDH-CN1TE9-UM896M-Q90Y37-PGBN9A-EZYBAH-1Q82QC-VMDUB4-T15M3B
Jika lisensi sudah kadaluarsa silahkan cari saja di google, pasti ketemu.
Read more - Download AVG PC Tune UP 2011

Daftar Website/Blog Do Follow Untuk Meningkatkan Pagerank

Mungkin banyak blogger-blogger pemula yang berburu website/blog do follow untuk meningkatkan pagerank. Dengan meningkatnya pagerank maka akan membuat blog itu bisa mendapatkan earning dengan meletakkan iklan di dalam blognya. Blog atau website yang menganut paham do follow merupakan cara mudah one way link yang mana kita dapat meletakkan link kita di sana.
Berikut ini daftar website atau blog yang menganut paham do follow :

Itulah beberapa website atau blog yang menganut paham do follow. Jika ada website atau blog yang sudah kembali menjadi paham no follow mohon diberitahukan lewat komentar dan akan aku hapus kemudian.
Read more - Daftar Website/Blog Do Follow Untuk Meningkatkan Pagerank

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